
7 12 2011

(Italian version of this page)

Yesterday the Mars 500 tweetup took place in Rome and I had the opportunity to meet Diego Urbina (@diegou on Twitter) and Romain Charles (@Romain_CHARLES) of the Mars500 crew and to know a lot of space-geeks and enthusiastic people from all Europe and beyond.

In the weekend I will take some time to write down something about this awesome experience and to talk about Mars500 mission as it was communicated by Diego and Romain.

In the meanwhile these are some interesting links to know more about this experiment and about the tweetup.

The first one is the Mars 500 Storify page by ESA, where you can find the entire story of this mission:


Then you can watch the replay of the Mars500 press conference in Paris:


At last some Flickr sets of the Rome event.

Mars500tweetup by myself:


Mars500tweetup by ESA:


Mars500tweetup by mgilbir:


Hope you enjoy this as we #spacetweeps who did participate.

Thanks to Diego, Romain, Erica, Daniel, Maria, and all ESA staff who made this possible.

UPDATE (12/12/2011): 520 Days of Dreams and Hope by @akanel. A Space Tweep Society post.



4 responses

7 12 2011

UPDATE: I added the replay of the press conference in Paris.

8 12 2011
#Mars500tweetup | Background noise

[…] (English version of this page) […]

12 12 2011
#Mars500tweetup–All the tweets « ALTEA Space

[…] already showed you some pictures taken during the event (here) and now I want to recall the tweetup by the tweets themselves. I copied/pasted all the tweets I […]

12 12 2011
#Mars500tweetup–Tutti i tweet | Background noise

[…] già mostrato alcune immagini dell’evento (here, dove potete trovare anche il racconto della missione e la registrazione della conferenza stampa di […]

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